navigation guards

The mock router supports vue-router's navigation guards, meaning you can test router.beforeEach, route.beforeEnter, route.beforeLeave and component.beforeRouteEnter, component.beforeRouteUpdate, component.beforeRouteLeave hooks. The hooks are called whenever the route is changed.

If a route has a component property, the component-level hooks will only be triggered if this property matches the component name. If there is no component property, the component-level hooks will always be called.

// component
  name : 'test'
  beforeRouterEnte : sinon.spy()
// router
    path : '/a',
    component : 'test'
    path : '/b',
    component : { name : 'foo' }
    path : '/c',
    component : 'test'

// test
c.beforeRouteEnter.called === false
c.beforeRouteEnter.called === false
c.beforeRouteEnter.calledOnce === true

results matching ""

    No results matching ""